Sunday, August 9, 2015

But man is not made for defeat

“But man is not made for defeat,” he said. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” I am
sorry that I killed the fish though, he thought. Now the bad time is coming and I do not even have
the harpoon. The dentuso is cruel and able and strong and intelligent. But I was more intelligent
than he was. Perhaps not, he thought. Perhaps I was only better armed.
“Don’t think, old man,” he said aloud. “Sail on this course and take it when it comes.

Then when luck comes you are ready

"But, he thought, I keep them with precision. Only I have no luck any more. But who knows?
Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then
when luck comes you are ready. "

Saturday, August 8, 2015

When I see a man with a tidy place...

"The first thing I liked about you," said Lydia, "was that you didn't have a t.v. in your place. My ex-husband looked at t.v.
every night and all through the weekend. We even had to arrange our lovemaking to fit the t.v. schedule."
"Umm. . . ."
"Another thing I liked about your place was that it was filthy. Beer bottles all over the floor. Lots of trash everywhere. Dirty
dishes, and a shit-ring in your toilet, and the crud in your bathtub. All those rusty razorblades laying around the bathroom
sink. I knew that you would eat pussy."
"You judge a man according to his surroundings, right?"
"Right. When I see a man with a tidy place I know there's something wrong with him. And if it's too tidy, he's a fag."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The episodic century

"the last 50 years of the previous century. Why? We live in an age of rapid-fire change because over the past 200 years the comparatively straightforward Industrial Revolution has morphed into an era of nonlinear change punctuated with tipping points. The machinery of the current century is a collection of interconnected complex, rather than smooth-running, systems. Gradual and linear change no longer happens. Instead, ‘‘progress’’ moves in bursts—fits-and-starts marked by waves of unimaginable flashes, sparks, booms, bubbles, shocks, extremes, bombs, and leaps. Half probabilistic and half nonlinear deterministic, the twenty-first century is defined by intersecting long-tailed distributions, rather than independent and isolated Normal distributions. Episodic phenomena behave erratically and have no average or expected values."

Sunday, August 2, 2015

If our Sun were suddenly squeezed down to a point

"If our Sun, which is nearly 900,000 miles (1.4 million kilometers) wide, were suddenly squeezed down to a point, its magic sphere would be less than 4 miles (6 kilometers) across. But the Earth, perched some 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away, would not be affected at all. Indeed, all the planets would still orbit around the Sun in the same way they have for some four billion years if the Sun were that size. Although the Sun’s mass is more condensed, it exerts the same gravitational pull on us. It is only closer in that the gravitational pull of the magical sphere starts to soar."

Gravity and acceleration are equivalent

"Einstein first recognized that the force we feel upon a uniform acceleration and the force we feel when under the control of gravity are one and the same. In the jargon of physics, gravity and a constant acceleration are “equivalent.” There is no difference between being pulled down on the Earth by gravity or being pulled backward in an accelerating car. To arrive at this conclusion, Einstein imagined a windowless room far out in space, magically accelerating upward, moving faster and faster with each passing second. Anyone in that room would find their feet pressed against the floor. In fact, without windows to serve as a check, you couldn’t be sure you were in space. From the feel of your weight, you could as easily be standing quietly in a room on Earth. Both the magical, accelerating space elevator and the Earth, with its gravitational field keeping you in place, are equivalent systems. Einstein reasoned that the fact that the laws of physics predict exactly the same behavior for objects in the accelerating room and in Earth’s gravitational hold means that gravity and acceleration are, in some fashion, the same thing."

Sunday, July 26, 2015

A conscious hypocrite

"There is probably no such thing as a conscious hypocrite."
Aldous Huxley

To show that we were right

We are all capable of believing things which we know to  be untrue, and then,  when  we  are  finally proved  wrong, impudently  twisting the  facts so  as to  show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for  an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or  later a false belief bumps up against  solid reality , usually on a battlefield.

-George Orwell (1946)

Don Juan just shrugged his shoulders and laughed

Hear me, oh Don Juan! There are women around and other men are hitting on them! What is your reaction?
The Don Juan just shrugged his shoulders and laughed.
What!cried the young man. These other guys are going to take his women! How can he be so laid-back?
He is laid back because he knows how great a catch he is and that getting women is easy. He knows he is the Prince.

But the women are not significant! The focus must be on you! The guys that can get almost any women are not scared or nervous that other guys are hitting on girls. He knows things the other guys never will. In fact, he might let them have free reign to weed out the desperate and stupid chicks from the smart and picky ones. As with
muscles, it is the strong guys that know they are capable who are quiet and
patient. It is the noisy guys that lack the skills. It is the large dogs that are quieter while the small dogs make up for their size with their obnoxious bark. It is the patient ones that control the world; the impatient ones are controlled by it!

Book of Pook - Pook

We paint the image we want to see

Look at how the lad got stood up over and over and, yet, over and over he rationalized the standing up! How often is it that a lad rationalizes signals to his liking? How often is it that a lad offers gifts and treasures as sacrifices to her goddess-likeness for in his mind she is a goddess? How often is it that a lads overactive imagination converts her disrespect, her shallowness, her flaws, into love?

So we paint the image we want to see?

Exactly! Judge by her actions and not by her words. Judge by what she does than by what your mind wants to see. Our vanity will convert the image of every disinterested girl into secretly loving us (for women tell us what we want to hear).
This is why we must judge by her actions and not by her words.

Book of Pook - Pook

Woman is a sphinx with no secret

What is that monster?, cried the young man.

Why, said the Pook, it is All Women, Mother Nature herself! This nasty sphinx devours all hearts and lives of those who cannot answer her riddle. That man, in the picture, he figured out the riddle to Woman. Thus, he became known as Don Juan.
And the answer to the riddle?

Is that there is no riddle. Woman is a sphinx with no secret. It is only our minds that we assign her secrets, mysteries, pedestals, and goddess-like status.

Book of Pook - Pook

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gifts, poetry, flowers, and declarations of love

This is where that cycle of hesitation leads. In your world of Hesitation, you shred off more and more of your manliness until you turn into a full-fledged Nice Guy. Then you seek to remove hesitation by making the approach risk free. Then you start giving gifts, poetry, flowers, and declarations of love. You start to examine and re-examine non-existent signals until they read the way you want them to read. In the end, you place her on the pedestal and throw yourself to her worship.

Book of Pook - Pook

When a woman treats you with disrespect......

Flowers and gifts should be used as a REWARD, not as an item to BUY her affections.
When a woman treats you with indifference, you challenge her.
When a woman treats you with disrespect, you punish her by withdrawing your affection and time.
When a woman treats you well with respect and the affection you want, you reward her.

Book of Pook - Pook

Who wants a bird that WANTS to be in the cage?

You should be free as a bird, flapping around, singing, full of joy with life. Women want to ****** the bird and throw it in a cage (cage = committment).
When birds try to fly into the cage, wouldn't you think something is wrong with that bird? After all, who wants a bird that WANTS to be in the cage? No, women want the birds that are FREE, WILD, and BEAUTIFUL. They want A GOOD CATCH. Good Catches do not fly into cages. Only wounded or needy birds do.
Women aren't complicated, our feelings just get in the way of what we WANT to do rather then what we SHOULD do. We want to rub their feet and build statues of them. We should demand respect and reward them only for good behavior.

Book of Pook - Pook

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Many a good man

"Many a good man has been put under the bridge by a woman."

To pay them too much honor.

Apart from this, what goes on in other people's consciousness is, as such, a matter of indifference to us; and in time we get really indifferent to it, when we come to see how superficial and futile are most people's thoughts, how narrow their ideas, how mean their sentiments, how perverse their opinions, and how much of error there is in most of them; when we learn by experience with what depreciation a man will speak of his fellow, when he is not obliged to fear him, or thinks that what he says will not come to his ears. And if ever we have had an opportunity of seeing how the greatest of men will meet with nothing but slight from half-a-dozen blockheads, we shall understand that to lay great value upon what other people say is to pay them too much honor.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

Opinion, of others

By a peculiar weakness of human nature, people generally think too much about the opinion which others form of them; although the slightest reflection will show that this opinion, whatever it may be, is not in itself essential to happiness. Therefore it is hard to understand why everybody feels so very pleased when he sees that other people have a good opinion of him, or say anything flattering to his vanity. If you stroke a cat, it will purr; and, as inevitably, if you praise a man, a sweet expression of delight will appear on his face; and even though the praise is a palpable lie, it will be welcome, if the matter is one on which he prides himself. If only other people will applaud him, a man may console himself for downright misfortune or for the pittance he gets from the two sources of human happiness already discussed: and conversely, it is astonishing how infallibly a man will be annoyed, and in some cases deeply pained, by any wrong done to his feeling of self-importance, whatever be the nature, degree, or circumstances of the injury, or by any depreciation, slight, or disregard.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

Not amongst a man's possessions

Wife and children I have not reckoned amongst a man's possessions: he is rather in their possession. It would be easier to include friends under that head; but a man's friends belong to him not a whit more than he belongs to them.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

That forced labor

For to start life with just as much as will make one independent, that is, allow one to live comfortably without having to work even if one has only just enough for oneself, not to speak of a family is an advantage which cannot be over-estimated; for it means exemption and immunity from that chronic disease of penury, which fastens on the life of man like a plague; it is emancipation from that forced labor which is the natural lot of every mortal. Only under a favorable fate like this can a man be said to be born free, to be, in the proper sense of the word, sui juris, master of his own time and powers, and able to say every morning, This day is my own. And just for the same reason the difference between the man who has a hundred a year and the man who has a thousand, is infinitely smaller than the difference between the former and a man who has nothing at all.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

The management of the children's fortune

And in any case let me advise anyone who marries a poor girl not to leave her the capital but only the interest, and to take especial care that she has not the management of the children's fortune.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

Beggars mounted run their horse to death

The adage must be verified That beggars mounted run their horse to death.
[Shakespeare - Henry VI. Part III., Act 1., Sc. 4.]

Ordinary lives

The ordinary man places his life's happiness in things external to him, in property, rank, wife and children, friends, society, and the like, so that when he loses them or finds them disappointing, the foundation of his happiness is destroyed. In other words, his centre of gravity is not in himself; it is constantly changing its place, with every wish and whim. If he is a man of means, one day it will be his house in the country, another buying horses, or entertaining friends, or traveling,—a life, in short, of general luxury, the reason being that he seeks his pleasure in things outside him.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

Illiterate leisure

otium sine litteris mors est et vivi hominis sepultura—illiterate leisure is a form of death, a living tomb

- Seneca

Intelligence and suffereing

Whole of Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

Our own felicity

Still to ourselves in every place consign'd
Our own felicity we make or find.

Goldsmith - The Traveller:

Folly is its own burden

But the individual who stands at the other end of the scale is no sooner free from the pangs of need than he endeavors to get pastime and society at any cost, taking up with the first person he meets, and avoiding nothing so much as himself. For in solitude, where every one is thrown upon his own resources, what a man has in himself comes to light; the fool in fine raiment groans under the burden of his miserable personality, a burden which he can never throw off, whilst the man of talent peoples the waste places with his animating thoughts. Seneca declares that folly is its own burden,—omnis stultitia laborat fastidio sui,

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

A high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial

The wise man will, above all, strive after freedom from pain and annoyance, quiet and leisure, consequently a tranquil, modest life, with as few encounters as may be; and so, after a little experience of his so-called fellowmen, he will elect to live in retirement, or even, if he is a man of great intellect, in solitude. For the more a man has in himself, the less he will want from other people,—the less, indeed, other people can be to him. This is why a high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer

The wealth of the mind

It is mainly because of this inner vacuity of soul that people go in quest of society, diversion, amusement, luxury of every sort, which lead many to extravagance and misery. Nothing is so good a protection against such misery as inward wealth, the wealth of the mind, because the greater it grows, the less room it leaves for boredom. The inexhaustible activity of thought! Finding ever new material to work upon in the multifarious phenomena of self and nature, and able and ready to form new combinations of them,—there you have something that invigorates the mind, and apart from moments of relaxation, sets it far above the reach of boredom.

The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer - The Wisdom of Life by Arthur Schopenhauer