Saturday, July 27, 2013

The quantum of action

"We know the date and time of Planck’s revelation so well because he and his family had spent the afternoon of Sunday 7 October 1900 with his colleague Heinrich Rubens. Over lunch, they discussed the failure of the theoretical models of the day to explain the details of black body radiation. By the evening, Planck had scribbled a formula on to a postcard and sent it to Rubens. It turned out to be the correct formula, but it was very strange indeed. Planck later described it as ‘an act of desperation’, having tried everything else he could think of. It is genuinely unclear how Planck came up with his formula. In his superb biography of Albert Einstein, Subtle is the Lord …, Abraham Pais writes: ‘His reasoning was mad, but his madness has that divine quality that only the greatest transitional figures can bring to science.’ Planck’s proposal was both inexplicable and revolutionary. He found that he could explain the black body spectrum, but only if he assumed that the energy of the emitted light was made up of a large number of smaller ‘packets’ of energy. In other words the total energy is quantized in units of a new fundamental constant of Nature, which Planck called ‘the quantum of action’. Today, we call it Planck’s constant."

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