Thursday, February 6, 2014

A community of seekers

To my way of thinking, a college is a community of seekers—a community of those devoted not solely to the appreciation and preservation of the past, but dedicated to the discovery of greater truth. It is a community of those who do not believe that all truth has been found in any area—who refuse to invest any particular statement, book, creed, institution, or person with infallibility. It should be a community of those who are completely dedicated to the best that they know but believe that there is a better-to-be-known in all areas. Persons in such a community should be doubters and sceptics in the sense that they suspend judgment and question all assumptions and conclusions, so that each one will be forced to justify itself before the bar of critical analysis. Such attitudes are never apt to win friends or to influence people among that segment of society that believes that it has the truth.
~ Dr. Bert Williams

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