Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Out there or in here?

"To know what our minds are doing, we need some sensory system that can monitor our mental activities. Though my discussion has centered on the feeling of knowing, it is clear that there are also mental systems for monitoring self-perception. Perhaps the most universal, persistent, and unchallenged sensation is how your "self" feels as though it is located somewhere behind your eyes, somewhere inside your head, or at least somewhere within your body. It makes evolutionary sense that we don't normally feel ourselves "out there" in the cosmos or three blocks away in a saloon. Without a localized presence, you would be constantly "looking for yourself" without any guidelines for where "you" might be. If the sense of self is to have value in developing personal and social behavior, or even where to sit on the bus, we must know where "we" stand in relationship to others. Ideally, the brain would develop a global positioning system for the self."

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