Friday, August 1, 2014
Is there an ultimate ‘Truth’?
"Whenever a value judgment is claimed to be ‘true’ there is (isn’t there?) a recipe for conflict: others will claim that the opposite is ‘true’ and the first assertion ‘false’. So how dangerous is it to use the word ‘true’ in relation to anything other than factual statements? Is there an ultimate ‘Truth’?"
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
A tourist of his own life
"His life was not centered around the place where he lived. His house was just one of many stopping places in a restless, unmoored existence, and this lack of center had the effect of turning him into a perpetual outsider, a tourist of his own life. You never had the feeling that he could be located."
Be ready for the unexpected
In searching out the truth be ready for the unexpected, for it is difficult to find and puzzling when you find it. —Heraclitus
Saturday, June 14, 2014
It doesn't contain a single idea
The telephone book is full of facts, but it doesn't contain a single idea.
Mortimer AdlerAdlerG
A turtle up on top of a fence post
Anytime you see a turtle up on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.
Alex Haley
To be content with much, impossible
To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
An addict of all normal pleasures
"He seemed an addict of all normal pleasures without being their slave."
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
The Scourge of God
"Each of us is trapped in a place, a time, and a circumstance, and our attempts to use our minds to transcend those boundaries are, more often than not, ineffective. Like the sponge, we think we are thinking outside the box only because we can’t see how big the box really is. Imagination cannot easily transcend the boundaries of the present, and one reason for this is that it must borrow machinery that is owned by perception. The fact that these two processes must run on the same platform means that we are sometimes confused about which one is running. We assume that what we feel as we imagine the future is what we’ll feel when we get there, but in fact, what we feel as we imagine the future is often a response to what’s happening in the present. "
Being wasted in such time-beguiling sport
“And yet not cloy thy lips with loathed satiety,
But rather famish them amid their plenty,
Making them red and pale with fresh variety—
Ten kisses short as one, one long as twenty.
A summer’s day will seem an hour but short,
Being wasted in such time-beguiling sport.”
~ Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis
Are we a computer simulation
"In the future it is likely that our civilization will reach a level of technology such that it can create incredibly sophisticated computer simulations of human minds and of worlds for those minds to inhabit. Relatively tiny resources will be needed to sustain such simulated worlds – a single laptop of the future could be home to thousands or millions of simulated minds – so in all probability simulated minds will vastly outnumber biological ones. The experiences of both biological and simulated minds will be indistinguishable and both will of course think that they are not simulated, but the latter (who will make up the vast majority of minds) will in fact be mistaken. We naturally couch this argument in terms of hypotheticals about the future, but who is to say that this ‘future’ hasn’t already happened – that such computer expertise has not already been attained and such minds already simulated? We of course suppose that we are not computer-simulated minds living in a simulated world, but that may be a tribute to the quality of the programming."
The Neutrino people
"The cast of historical characters associated with neutrinos included the sharp-witted Wolfgang Pauli, who invoked these particles in the first place to dodge a crisis in physics; the troubled genius Ettore Majorana, who theorized about neutrinos’ mirror twins before disappearing without a trace at the age of thirty-two; and the committed socialist Bruno Pontecorvo, who realized that neutrinos might morph between different types and caused a Cold War ruckus by defecting to the Soviet Union."
Inventing Neutrinos
"It was in this heady atmosphere that the neutrino was invented, or willed into existence, in a form of scientific witchcraft to dodge a growing crisis in nuclear physics, long before the presence of such a particle was detected through experiments. When scientists couldn’t account for energy that went missing during radioactive beta decay, one theorist found it necessary to “invent” a new particle to account for the missing energy. The man behind the theoretical wizardry was a brash young physicist by the name of Wolfgang Pauli. "
Intellectual elite of Vienna
"It was Pauli’s tutor who introduced him to Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Few physicists understood the elegant but radical theory or grasped its profound implications at the time. Pauli, however, had no trouble diving in. Barely two months out of high school, he wrote a paper of his own on the subject. Determined to pursue a career in physics, he moved to Munich in 1918 to study under Arnold Sommerfeld, a pioneer in the emerging field of quantum mechanics. Pauli’s paper, which had even come to Einstein’s attention, impressed Sommerfeld, who wrote to a colleague about it, noting, “I have around me a really astonishing specimen of the intellectual elite of Vienna in the young Pauli … a first-year student!”"
“Well, you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers.”
"Years after the discovery, Reines confronted the theorist Hans Bethe, who had asserted in his 1934 paper with Rudolf Peierls that “there is no practically possible way of observing the neutrino.” Bethe responded with good humor: “Well, you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers.”"
Sunday, June 8, 2014
A scientist is always a detective
“A detective is not always a scientist, but a scientist is always a detective.”
The Pope
"Fermi’s colleagues referred to him as “the Pope” because he was a natural leader and seemed infallible."
Mathematics is metaphysical
‘Mathematics has not a foot to stand upon which is not purely metaphysical.’
~ Thomas De Quincey, 1830
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The toothpaste discount coupons
"People who don’t worry about whether their mutual-fund manager is keeping 0.5 or 0.6 percent of their investment will nonetheless spend hours scouring the Sunday paper for a coupon that gives them 40 percent off a tube of toothpaste "
Starting points matter
"If you asked a child to count upward from zero and another child to count downward from a million, you could be pretty sure that when they finally got exhausted, gave up, and went off in search of eggs to throw at your garage door, they would have reached very different numbers. Starting points matter because we often end up close to where we started."
Variety kills pleasure
" When they measured the volunteers’ satisfaction over the course of the study, they found that volunteers in the no-variety group were more satisfied than were volunteers in the variety group. In other words, variety made people less happy, not more. "
Friday, June 6, 2014
The things that are not
O hateful Error, Melancholy’s child,
Why dost thou show to the apt thoughts of men
The things that are not?
~ Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
The poets pen
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Pleasure standard
“Are these things good for any other reason except that they end in pleasure, and get rid of and avert pain? Are you looking to any other standard but pleasure and pain when you call them good?”
~ Plato
Reading is a significant experience
It is better to be a human being dissatisfied
~ John Stuart Mill
ask your heart what it doth know
Go to your bosom;
Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know.
Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Happiness is happiness
"The poet Alexander Pope devoted about a quarter of his Essay on Man to the topic of happiness, and concluded with this question: “Who thus define it, say they more or less / Than this, that happiness is happiness?"
Writing about music
"The musician Frank Zappa is reputed to have said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture "
Happiness is bitter
But, O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes!
~ Shakespeare, As You Like It
Illusion of control
"Why isn’t it fun to watch a videotape of last night’s football game even when we don’t know who won? Because the fact that the game has already been played precludes the possibility that our cheering will somehow penetrate the television, travel through the cable system, find its way to the stadium, and influence the trajectory of the ball as it hurtles toward the goalposts! Perhaps the strangest thing about this illusion of control is not that it happens but that it seems to confer many of the psychological benefits of genuine control."
Workplace is the new village
The poor groaning ‘relationship’
Forestalling pleasure
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Unresonable representations
It is as reasonable to represent one kind of imprisonment by another, as it is to represent anything that really exists by that which exists not. - DANIEL DEFOE
Dysfunctional Consumer
Invisibility of death
You are the books you read
people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are
what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, the breath of fresh
air, the brightest light and the darkest corner.
You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life. You are every
single second of every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of knowledge and
existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colors fill your mind
until there is nothing left to do but explode. There are no wrong answers.
Inspiration is everything. Sit back, relax, and take it all in.
Now, go out and create something.
Jac Vanek
Is there something wrong with them?
Is there something wrong with them?
Or is there something wrong with us?"
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Thinker's pigeonhole
"Any “ism” invariably pigeonholes a thinker, neatly packaging him up to be sold in the market like a bar of soap."
What is education?
Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.
B. F. Skinner
Philosophical Novels
“A novel is never anything but a philosophy expressed in images. And in a good novel the philosophy has disappeared into the images. But the philosophy need only spill over into the characters and action for it to stick out like a sore thumb, the plot to lose its authenticity, and the novel its life”
He has not lived long
" So you must not think a man has lived long because he has white hair and wrinkles: he has not lived long, just existed long."
You are dying prematurely
"How many have plundered your life when you were unaware of your losses; how much you have lost through groundless sorrow, foolish joy, greedy desire, the seductions of society; how little of your own was left: to you. You will realize that you are dying prematurely.' "
Will to meaning
"Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a "secondary rationalization" of instinctual drives. This meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone; only then does it achieve a significance which will satisfy his own will to meaning."
How much suffering there is to get through
The wider cycles of life and death
"Long ago we had passed the stage of asking what was the meaning of life, a naive query which understands life as the attaining of some aim through the active creation of something of value. For us, the meaning of life embraced the wider cycles of life and death, of suffering and of dying."
In suffering he is unique
"When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden."
Saturday, May 31, 2014
A super natural high
~ Robert Badra
The eye of science
~ Herman J. Muller
The goal of the synoptic empiricist
"The goal of the synoptic empiricist is not to collect bits and pieces, but to weave the strands of knowledge into a glowing tapestry."
Discover the power and the feelings of not-doing
~ Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan
Whether the water is warm or cold
Saturday, February 22, 2014
A species of dogmatism
~ T. R. V. Murti
He has merely comprehended himself
~ C. G. Jung
Every act of knowledge develops the learner
~ Edmund Husserl
And he wants to understand it
~ William Halverson
In our infinite ignorance we are all equal
~ Karl Popper - Conjectures and Refutations (1963)
Progress from misconception to ever better (less mistaken) misconception
"The desirable future is one where we progress from misconception to ever better (less mistaken) misconception. The nature of science would be better understood if we called theories ‘misconceptions’ from the outset, instead of only after we have discovered their successors. Thus we could say that Einstein’s Misconception of Gravity was an improvement on Newton’s Misconception, which was an improvement on Kepler’s. The neo-Darwinian Misconception of Evolution is an improvement on Darwin’s Misconception, and his on Lamarck’s. If people thought of it like that, perhaps no one would need to be reminded that science claims neither infallibility nor finality."
Thursday, February 20, 2014
The height of injustice is to seem just without being so
~ Plato
The pursuit of money should come last in the scale of value
~ Plato
Plato advised drunken people to look into a mirror
~ Diogenes Laërtius
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
To find out where the truth is
~ Plato
The greatest happiness of the whole
~ Plato
Astronomy compels the soul to look upward
~ Plato
The feeling of wonder is the touchstone of the philosopher
~ Plato
I never saw an instance of one of two disputants convincing the other by argument
~ Thomas Jefferson
This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense
~ Carl Sagan
Tthe discovery that we are profoundly ignorant
~ Lewis Thomas
To believe upon insufficient evidence
~ W. K. Clifford (nineteenth-century mathematician)
Monday, February 17, 2014
The philosophy of the cancer cell
~ Edward Abbey
In the regime of the city
~ Philodemus of Gadara
Wider ‘networks’ of friends and friendship
~ Zygmunt Bauman - Liquid Fear
A becoming other of the self
~ Giorgio Agamben
In loving their friend they love what is good for themselves
~ Aristotle
We will look foolish, for though we are friends...
~ Socrates’ conclusion in Plato’s dialogue on friendship, the Lysis
A gift is something that you cannot be thankful for
~ Jacques Derrida
‘Love is the difficult realisation that...
~ Iris Murdoch
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live
~ Oscar Wilde
The sadist doesn't create a masochist; he finds him readymade
"Do we wonder why one of man's chief characteristics is his tortured dissatisfaction with himself, his constant self-criticism? It is the only way he has to overcome the sense of hopeless limitation inherent in his real situation. Dictators, revivalists, and sadists know that people like to be lashed with accusations of their own basic unworthiness because it reflects how they truly feel about themselves. The sadist doesn't create a masochist; he finds him readymade. Thus people are offered one way of overcoming unworthiness: the chance to idealize the self, to lift it onto truly heroic levels. In this way man sets up the complementary dialogue with himself that is natural to his condition. He criticizes himself because he falls short of the heroic ideals he needs to meet in order to be a really imposing creation."
Sunday, February 16, 2014
It creates precisely the isolation that one can't stand
"Man thus has the absolute tension of the dualism. Individuation means that the human creature has to oppose itself to the rest of nature. It creates precisely the isolation that one can't stand—and yet needs in order to develop distinctively. It creates the difference that becomes such a burden; it accents the smallness of oneself and the sticking-outness at the same time. This is natural guilt. The person experiences this as "unworthiness" or "badness" and dumb inner dissatisfaction. And the reason is realistic. Compared to the rest of nature man is not a very satisfactory creation. He is riddled with fear and powerlessness."
All the tears and all the tearing is after all for oneself
"This aspect of group psychology explains something that otherwise staggers our imagination: have we been astonished by fantastic displays of grief on the part of whole peoples when one of their leaders dies? The uncontrolled emotional outpouring, the dazed masses standing huddled in the; city squares sometimes for days on end, grown people groveling hysterically and tearing at themselves, being trampled in the surge toward the coffin or funeral pyre— how to make sense out of such a massive, neurotic "vaudeville of despair"? In one way only: it shows a profound state of shock at losing one's bulwark against death. The people apprehend, at some dumb level of their personality: "Our locus of power to control life and death can himself die; therefore our own immortality is in doubt." All the tears and all the tearing is after all for oneself, not for the passing of a great soul but for one's own imminent passing. Immediately men begin to rename city streets, squares, airports with the name of the dead man: it is as though to declare that he will be immortalized physically in the society, in spite of his own physical death."
Collective eternity impulse
"Every group, however small or great, has, as such, an "individual" impulse for eternalization, which manifests itself in the creation of and care for national, religious, and artistic heroes . . . the individual paves the way for this collective eternity impulse. . ."
The urge to deification of the other
"The urge to deification of the other, the constant placing of certain select persons on pedestals, the reading into them of extra powers: the more they have, the more rubs off on us. We participate in their immortality, and so we create immortals."
Each person maintains his own arrogant point of view
~ The Buddha
What the truth ought to be
~ Marchette Chute
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial
~ William James
Talk passes the time away
~ Herman Tennessen
Mind invents logic for the whims of the will
~ G. W. F. Hegel
People use their leaders almost as an excuse
"I think this characterization is beautifully apt to describe the timid "heroisms" of group behavior. There is nothing free or manly about them. Even when one merges his ego with the authoritarian father, the "spell" is in his own narrow interests. People use their leaders almost as an excuse. When they give in to the leader's commands they can always reserve the feeling that these commands are alien to them, that they are the leader's responsibility, that the terrible acts they are committing are in his name and not theirs. This, then, is another thing that makes people feel so guiltless, as Canetti points out: they can imagine themselves as temporary victims of the leader. The more they give in to his spell, and the more terrible the crimes they commit, the more they can feel that the wrongs are not natural to them. It is all so neat, this usage of the leader; it reminds us of James Frazer's discovery that in the remote past tribes often used their kings as scapegoats who, when they no longer served the people's needs, were put to death. These are the many ways in which men can play the hero, all the while that they are avoiding responsibility for their own acts in a cowardly way."
The leader is as much a creature of the group as they of him
"The leader is as much a creature of the group as they of him and that he loses his "individual distinctiveness" by being a leader, as they do by being followers. He has no more freedom to be himself than any other member of the group, precisely because he has to be a reflex of their assumptions in order to qualify for leadership in the first place."
Holy aggression
"Freud saw that the leader wipes out fear and permits everyone to feel omnipotent. Redl refined this somewhat by showing how important the leader often was by the simple fact that it was he who performed the "initiatory act" when no one else had the daring to do it. Redl calls this beautifully the "magic of the initiatory act." This initiatory act can be anything from swearing to sex or murder. As Redl points out, according to its logic only the one who first commits murder is the murderer; all others are followers. Freud has said in Totem and Taboo that acts that are illegal for the individual can be justified if the whole group shares responsibility for them. But they can be justified in another way: the one who initiates the act takes upon himself both the risk and the guilt. The result is truly magic: each member of the group can repeat the act without guilt. They are not responsible, only the leader is. Redl calls this, aptly, "priority magic." But it does something even more than relieve guilt: it actually transforms the fact of murder. This crucial point initiates us directly into the phenomenology of group transformation of the everyday world. If one murders without guilt, and in imitation of the hero who runs the risk, why then it is no longer murder: it is "holy aggression. For the first one it was not." In other words, participation in the group redistills everyday reality and gives it the aura of the sacred—just as, in childhood play created a heightened reality."
In the prison of the motherly racial-national-religious fixation
"The fear of emerging out of the family and into the world on one's own responsibility and powers; the desire to keep oneself tucked into a larger source of power. It is these things that make for the mystique of "group," "nation," "blood," "mother- or fatherland," and the like. These feelings are embedded in one's earliest experiences of comfortable merger with the mother. As Fromm put it, they keep one "in the prison of the motherly racial-national-religious fixation.""
The masses look to the leaders to give them just the untruth that they need
"By explaining the precise power that held groups together Freud could also show why groups did not fear danger. The members do not feel that they are alone with their own smallness and helplessness, as they have the powers of the hero-leader with whom they are identified. Natural narcissism — the feeling that the person next to you will die, but not you—is reinforced by trusting dependence on the leader's power. No wonder that hundreds of thousands of men marched up from trenches in the face of blistering gunfire in World War I. They were partially self-hypnotised, so to speak. No wonder men imagine victories against impossible odds: don't they have the omnipotent powers of the parental figure? Why are groups so blind and stupid?—men have always asked. Because they demand illusions, answered Freud, they "constantly give what is unreal precedence over what is real." And we know why. The real world is simply too terrible to admit: it tells man that he is a small, trembling animal who will decay and die. Illusion changes all this, makes man seem important, vital to the universe, immortal in some way. Who transmits this illusion, if not the parents by imparting the macro-lie of the cultural causa sui? The masses look to the leaders to give them just the untruth that they need; the leader continues the illusions and magnifies them into a truly heroic victory. Furthermore, he makes possible a new experience, the expression of forbidden impulses, secret wishes, and fantasies. In group behavior anything goes because the leader okays it. In the group each man seems an omnipotent hero who can give full vent to his appetites under the approving eye of the father."
"Longing for being hypnotized"
"It is not so much that man is a herd animal, said Freud, but that he is a horde animal led by a chief. It is this alone that can explain the "uncanny and coercive characteristics of group formations." The chief is a "dangerous personality, toward whom only a passive-masochistic attitude is possible, to whom one's will has to be surrendered,—while to be alone with him, 'to look him in the face,' appears a hazardous enterprise." This alone, says Freud, explains the "paralysis" that exists in the link between a person with inferior power to one of superior power. Man has "an extreme passion for authority" and "wishes to be governed by unrestricted force. It is this trait that the leader hypnotically embodies in his own masterful person. Or as Fenichel later put it, people have a "longing for being hypnotized" precisely because they want to get back to the magical protection, the participation in omnipotence, the "oceanic feeling" that they enjoyed when they were loved and protected ie by their parents. For Freud, this was the life force that held groups together. It functioned as a kind of psychic cement that locked people into mutual and mindless interdependence: the magnetic powers of the leader, reciprocated by the guilty delegation of everyone's will to him."
They simply became dependent children again
"Early theorists of group psychology had tried to explain why men were so sheep-like when they functioned in groups. They developed ideas like "mental contagion" and "herd instinct," which became very popular. But as Freud was quick to see, these ideas never really did explain what men did with their judgment and common sense when they got caught up in groups. Freud saw right away what they did with it: they simply became dependent children again, blindly following the inner voice of their parents, which now came to them under the hypnotic spell of the leader. They abandoned their egos to his, identified with his power, tried to function with him as an ideal."
The need to be subject to someone
~ Ferenczi
Must hide ... the ... truth.
—Carlo Levi
Mind is only a little bit of nature
"Now there is certainly something special about mind, so little is known about it and its relation to nature. I personally have a vast respect for mind, but has nature? Mind is only a little bit of nature, the rest of which seems to be able to get along very well without it. Will it really allow itself to be influenced to any great extent by regard for mind?"
~ Freud
Belief has to absorb man's basic terror
"Nature seems unconcerned, even viciously antagonistic to human meanings; and we fight by trying to bring our own dependable meanings into the world. But human meanings are fragile, ephemeral: they are constantly being discredited by historical events and natural calamities. One Hitler can efface centuries of scientific and religious meanings; one earthquake can negate a million times the meaning of a personal life. Mankind has reacted by trying to secure human meanings from beyond. Man's best efforts seem utterly fallible without appeal to something higher for justification, some conceptual support for the meaning of one's life from a transcendental dimension of some kind. As this belief has to absorb man's basic terror, it cannot be merely abstract but must be rooted in the emotions, in an inner feeling that one is secure in something stronger, larger, more important than one's own strength and life."
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Coming from a logician, this surprise surprised me
~ J. Miller
Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined
~ Albert Camus
Or you shall learn nothing
~ T. H. Huxley
Philosopher and his students
~ Lewis White Beck
To watch a man who doesn’t know what to do with the incomprehensible
~ Norman Cousins
The major part of every meaningful life
~ Paul Halmos
You must also be right
~ Robert Park
An idea once born never dies
~ T. K. Mahadevan
The crimes of nonconformity
~ Jean Brun - Socrates
The unexamined life is not worth living
~ Plato - The Apology
Problems we cannot solve
~ Albert Einstein
All thought is anthropomorphic
~ Albert Camus
When we are thinking we are not experiencing outside ourselves
~ William W. Blake
But the theory that shall interpret them is manmade
~ Albert Einstein
It is much easier to bury a problem than to solve it
~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
Friday, February 14, 2014
Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away
~ Hermann Minkowski - In one of the first public lectures on special relativity,
He delights in it because it is beautiful
~ Henri Poincaré
A collection of facts is no more a science
~ Henri Poincaré
The great tragedy of Science
~ Thomas Huxley
Nature isn’t that complicated
~ Berndt Matthias
The physicist in preparing for his work needs three things
~ Wilhelm Röntgen
Physics is not a religion
Living on Earth may be expensive
I do not feel obliged to believe that
Science must begin with myths
The most incomprehensible thing about the universe
Something that no one ever knew before
The effort to understand the universe
The cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars
How deep is time?
—Don DeLillo, Underworld
Particles communicate with each other by way of invisible fields
"Everything that we can see and touch is made up of indivisible particles. These particles communicate with each other by way of invisible fields that permeate all of space the way air fills a room. Fields are not made of atoms; they have no smallest unit. The particles determine where the fields will be stronger or weaker, and the fields tell the particles how to move."
One sentence passed on to the next generation
—Richard Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics
There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion
~ Francis Bacon
Thursday, February 13, 2014
There is not a philosophical method
~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
Instead of knocking ourselves out trying to become popular
"Along these lines, Musonius observes, that the time and energy people expend on illicit love affairs far outweighs the time and energy it would take them, as practicing Stoics, to develop the self-control required to avoid such affairs. Musonius goes on to suggest that we would also be better off if, instead of working hard to become wealthy, we trained ourselves to be satisfied with what we have; if, instead of seeking fame, we overcame our craving for the admiration of others; if, instead of spending time scheming to harm someone we envy, we spent that time overcoming our feelings of envy; and if, instead of knocking ourselves out trying to become popular, we worked to maintain and improve our relationships with those we knew to be true friends."
“Let us go to Aricia then and dine.”
"When someone reported to Paconius that he was being tried in the Senate, Paconius was uninterested; he merely set off for his daily exercise and bath. When he was informed that he had been condemned, he asked whether it was to banishment or death. “To banishment,” came the reply. He then asked whether his property at Aricia had also been confiscated, and when he was told that it hadn’t, he replied, “Let us go to Aricia then and dine.”"
I shall despise riches
~ Seneca
The truly rich man
~ Seneca
Luxury uses her wit to promote vices
"Luxury, Seneca warns, uses her wit to promote vices: First she makes us want things that are inessential, then she makes us want things that are injurious. Before long, the mind becomes slave to the body’s whims and pleasures."
The most difficult of all pleasures to combat
~ Musonius
To desire so much when you can hold so little
~ Seneca
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Interrogations for which an answer must be sought
~ John Dewey
The teacher’s obligation is to be patient
~ Søren Kierkegaard - The Point of View
“Confusion” is an initial phase of all knowledge
~ José Ortega y Gasset - The Origin of Philosophy
What matters is to leave off crawling in the dust
Philosophy means liberation from the two dimensions of routine, soaring above the well known, seeing it in new perspectives, arousing wonder and the wish to fly. Philosophy subverts man’s satisfaction with himself, exposes custom as a questionable dream, and offers not so much solutions as a different life.
A great deal of philosophy, including truly subtle and ingenious works, was not intended as an edifice for men to live in, safe from sun and wind, but as a challenge: don’t sleep on! there are so many vantage points; they change in flight: what matters is to leave off crawling in the dust.
~ Walter Kaufmann - Critique of Religion and Philosophy
We are bad men living among bad men
~ Seneca
Reason will never enlist the aid of reckless unbridled impulses
~ Seneca
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The desire for friendship comes quickly
~ Aristotle
The man who drinks in all that life offers
"The man who seeks to escape life drinks to get drunk, unlike the man who drinks in all that life offers in his search for wisdom."
But it does buy a more pleasant form of misery
~ Spike Milligan
When you know all the answers
~ Harold Levitt
History is the story of the defiance of the unknown
~ Norman Cousins
One can’t believe impossible things
“I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age I always did it for half an hour a day. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
~ Lewis Carroll
It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows
~ Epictetus
Pythagoras was the first person who invented the term “Philosophy"
~ Diogenes Laërtius
If the only tool you have is a hammer
~ Abraham Maslow
I’d rather be myself than be at the top
“I’d rather be myself than be at the top,” said Beller. “I like to know what I think when I go to bed at night.”
~ Christopher Anvil
All philosophy begins with astonishment and wonder
~ Kurt Reinhardt
Think or believe
~ Ralph Nader
Men began to philosophize to escape ignorance
~ Aristotle
This is the end of our comrade
~ Plato
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Not to be worthy of my sufferings
~ Dostoevski
Saturday, February 8, 2014
I myself know nothing
~ Socrates
While I am still in ignorance about my own nature
~ Socrates
Self-ignorance is a misfortune
~ Socrates
Socrates prevents us from thinking along the old lines
~ Jean Brun
Are you not ashamed at heaping up the greatest amount of money
~ Socrates
I do the things that I hate
~ Saint Paul
I was really too honest a man to be a politician
~ Socrates
I ask questions of others but have not the wit to answer them myself
~ Socrates
Thursday, February 6, 2014
To be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society
~ Krishnamurti
Just in order to become a child again
~ Hermann Hesse - Siddhartha
A community of seekers
~ Dr. Bert Williams
They can tolerate the ambiguous
~ Abraham Maslow
The salvation of man is through love and in love
"A thought transfixed me: for the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth - that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way - an honorable way - in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment."
When reality is more horrible than nightmares
"I shall never forget how I was roused one night by the groans of a fellow prisoner, who threw himself about in his sleep, obviously having a horrible night- mare. Since I had always been especially sorry for people who suffered from fearful dreams or deliria, I wanted to wake the poor man. Suddenly I drew back the hand which was ready to shake him, frightened at the thing I was about to do. At that moment I became intensely conscious of the fact that no dream, no matter how horrible, could be as bad as the reality of the camp which surrounded us, and to which I was about to recall him."
A blow which does not even find its mark
"Strangely enough, a blow which does not even find its mark can, under certain circumstances, hurt more than one that finds its mark. Once I was standing on a railway track in a snowstorm. In spite of the weather our party had to keep on working. I worked quite hard at mending the track with gravel, since that was the only way to keep warm. For only one moment I paused to get my breath and to lean on my shovel. Unfortunately the guard turned around just then and thought I was loafing. The pain he caused me was not from any insults or any blows. That guard did not think it worth his while to say anything, not even a swear word, to the ragged, emaciated figure standing before him, which probably reminded him only vaguely of a human form. Instead, he playfully picked up a stone and threw it at me. That, to me, seemed the way to attract the attention of a beast, to call a domestic animal back to its job, a creature with which you have so little in common that you do not even punish it."
There are things which must cause you to lose your reason
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
I had to wrench myself out of me with forceps
"Inch by inch I conquered the inner terrain I was born with. Bit by bit I reclaimed the swamp in which I’d languished. I gave birth to my infinite being, but I had to wrench myself out of me with forceps."
Absolute conviction
~ Richard Moss, M.D.
The weight of undisputed authority
~ Paul Tillich
When belief and its securities have to be left behind
~ Alan Watts
Flight from insecurity
~ Peter Bertocci
A clean sweep of formerly held opinions
~ René Descartes - Meditations
Mind; which also sees what might be
~ Robert Kaplan/Ellen Kaplan
The confusion of faith with belief
~ Paul Tillich
At that moment doubt, not belief, is the greater virtue
~ Richard Moss, M.D.
That is a theme upon which I am ready to fight, in word and deed
~ Socrates
Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of toads
~ Bumper sticker
By inquiry we discover the truth
~ Peter Abelard (1079–1142)
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Life is not a problem to be solved
~ Joseph Campbell
We have to live it awake
The mainspring which has moved our civilization
I’m just looking to find out more about the world
~ Richard Feynman
Saturday, February 1, 2014
A sharp mind that only destroys me
"Besides, what can I expect from myself? My sensations in all their horrible acuity, and a profound awareness of feeling… A sharp mind that only destroys me, and an unusual capacity for dreaming to keep me entertained… A dead will and a reflection that cradles it, like a living child…"
What is there to confess
"What is there to confess that’s worthwhile or useful? What has happened to us has happened to everyone or only to us; if to everyone, then it’s no novelty, and if only to us, then it won’t be understood. If I write what I feel, it’s to reduce the fever of feeling. What I confess is unimportant, because everything is unimportant. I make landscapes out of what I feel. I make holidays of my sensations. I can easily understand women who embroider out of sorrow or who crochet because life exists."
Everything in me tends to go on to become something else
"Futile and sensitive, I’m capable of violent and consuming impulses – both good and bad, noble and vile – but never of a sentiment that endures, never of an emotion that continues, entering into the substance of my soul. Everything in me tends to go on to become something else. My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while."
Nothing is worth a human soul’s love
"I love all this, perhaps because I have nothing else to love, and perhaps also because nothing is worth a human soul’s love, and so it’s all the same – should we feel the urge to give it."
You’re being exploited
"Deeming that I earn too little, a friend of mine who’s a partner in a successful firm that does a lot of business with the government said the other day: ‘You’re being exploited, Soares.’ And I remembered that indeed I am. But since in life we must all be exploited, I wonder if it’s any worse to be exploited by Vasques and his fabrics than by vanity, by glory, by resentment, by envy or by the impossible."
I asked for very little from life
"I asked for very little from life, and even this little was denied me. A nearby field, a ray of sunlight, a little bit of calm along with a bit of bread, not to feel oppressed by the knowledge that I exist, not to demand anything from others, and not to have others demand anything from me – this was denied me, like the spare change we might deny a beggar not because we’re mean-hearted but because we don’t feel like unbuttoning our coat."
By day I am nothing, and by night I am I
"Walking on these streets, until the night falls, my life feels to me like the life they have. By day they’re full of meaningless activity; by night they’re full of a meaningless lack of it. By day I am nothing, and by night I am I. There is no difference between me and these streets."
Dreaming, which my intelligence hates
"I have to choose what I detest – either dreaming, which my intelligence hates, or action, which my sensibility loathes; either action, for which I wasn’t born, or dreaming, for which no one was born.
Detesting both, I choose neither; but since I must on occasion either dream or act, I mix the two things together."
I softly sing – for myself alone
"I see life as a roadside inn where I have to stay until the coach from the abyss pulls up. I don’t know where it will take me, because I don’t know anything. I could see this inn as a prison, for I’m compelled to wait in it; I could see it as a social centre, for it’s here that I meet others. But I’m neither impatient nor common. I leave who will to stay shut up in their rooms, sprawled out on beds where they sleeplessly wait, and I leave who will to chat in the parlours, from where their songs and voices conveniently drift out here to me. I’m sitting at the door, feasting my eyes and ears on the colours and sounds of the landscape, and I softly sing – for myself alone – wispy songs I compose while waiting."
The suffering that comes from having already suffered a lot
"The suffering born of the indifference that comes from having already suffered a lot."
People who are on the journey are a lot more interesting
~ Lori Villamil
Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known
~ Montaigne
Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt
~ Will Durant
It dissolves when desired too desperately
"But this sort of wisdom [philosophical] is elusive. It dissolves when desired too desperately, and in times of need it can become paralyzed. Wisdom is not unlike the Tao: if defined too precisely, it will lose its essence; if sought too diligently, it will be missed."
Life is filled with cruel contradictions and bitter ironies
Don’t act as if you are going to live ten thousand years
~ Marcus Aurelius
Observe the world passing by
~ Marcus Aurelius
Set of four virtues
"Marcus organized his practice into a set of four virtues which he never stopped practicing. Wisdom—learn what is good and bad, which involvements are beneficial and which are damaging, which concerns are ennobling and which are degrading. Justice—exercise honesty and fairness so that you can always respect yourself; do not be arrogant, thinking you are more than you are; but do not think less of yourself either, thinking you are worth nothing. Fortitude—develop the strength to withstand courageously “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” as Shakespeare later phrased it. And temperance—develop control of one’s passions, resist excesses, and learn to strike a balance in all of life."
Do you see me unhappy
~ Marcus Aurelius
Men seek all sorts of escape for themselves
~ Marcus Aurelius
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Of course life has a larger meaning
~ Lori Villamil
I myself know nothing
~ Socrates
The ends of things are always painful
"People ask me, “Do you have optimism about the world?” And I say, “Yes, it’s great just the way it is. And you are not going to fix it up. Nobody has ever made it any better. It is never going to be any better. This is it, so take it or leave it. You are not going to correct or improve it.”
It is joyful just as it is. I don’t believe there was anybody who intended it, but this is the way it is. James Joyce has a memorable line: “History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.” And the way to awake from it is not to be afraid, and to recognize that all of this, as it is, is a manifestation of the horrendous power that is of all creation. The ends of things are always painful. But pain is part of there being a world at all."
~ Joseph Campbell
You can’t postpone dealing with reality
~ Robert W. Smith
The world’s a failure
~ Mission Impossible
Call the name of Lucifer
~ Ritual of Evil
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
As soon as man does not take his existence for granted
~ Albert Schweitzer
Life is a comedy to those who think
~ Horace Walpole
The young man who has not wept is a savage
~ Confucius
What’s the use of all your damn books?
Scholar: I don’t know.
Zorba: What’s the use of all your damn books? If they don’t tell you that, what the hell do they tell you?
Scholar: They tell me about the agony of men who can’t answer questions like yours.
~ Nikos Kazantzakis - Zorba the Greek
Old age is painful
The Buddha
There is no hope
“We’re both alive. And for all I know, that’s hope.”
~ “Henry II” The Lion in Winter
To live is to suffer
~ Viktor Frankl
Nothing to lose except ones so ridiculously naked life
"What does one do when he finally realizes that he has “nothing to lose except his so ridiculously naked life”? First come feelings of detachment and curiosity about what is happening, followed by thoughts of hopeful strategies that might be used to salvage anything that is left. Feelings of hunger, fear, and pro- found anger are never far below the surface; a deep humiliation colors every thought; and these feelings become the true enemies of personal growth. These brute facts are softened and made tolerable by cherished images of loved ones, by one’s faith, by a grim sense of humor, and even by fleeting glimpses of the healing beauties of nature such as a green tree, a flower by a fence, or a sunset."
Sunday, January 26, 2014
That’s relativity
~ Albert Einstein
Friday, January 24, 2014
Soon he will not know what he wants to do
"Modern humans are caught in an “existential vacuum,” writes the psychologist Viktor Frankl. We are struck with the total meaninglessness of our lives. Increasingly we find nothing worth living for. There is an inner emptiness within us all. We can understand this spiritual void, for it has two sources that have emerged since we began to be human beings. The first was the loss of our instincts, that set of instruc- tions that we, along with all the other animals, carried embedded in our very natures. That was an ancient loss. A more recent trauma to our souls happened when we lost the binding myths and traditions that secured our behavior. Modern man is there- fore lost, Frankl writes, for “no instinct tells him what to do, and no tradition tells him what he ought to do; soon he will not know what he wants to do.”"
Then move to Florida and die
~ Daniel Quinn
Educated people try to be conscious of their hidden prejudices
~ Steven Pinker
Hell is no fable
"“To exist is to suffer,” taught the Buddha, and we have devised ingenious ways of escaping existence. We sense a futility in our dreams; an inner voice chides us for yearning for goals we can’t achieve. We often have an empty feeling when we hold in our hands something we have fought for, wondering why we wanted it. All around we see loneliness, surd hatreds, and pointless sadisms. Mephistopheles speaks for many: “Hell is no fable, for this life IS hell.” Away from all this, we are pulled toward death, as though it would be a blessing to have done with it."
Every man is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions
~ Bertrand Russell
To act wisely in the world
~ Richard I. Aaron
The world destroys our humanity by the sheer weight of its insanity
"Evolution has succeeded in producing a sentient creature who thinks and feels, aspires, lays plans, and constructs beautiful futures to work toward. We dream dreams—and then discover that the world is designed to crush, not to fulfill, those dreams. We are prepared to live with goodness but find we must perpetually wrestle with evil. Driven by instinct to self-preservation, we never rest from having to face death. We cherish honesty, but find that neither the universe nor humankind is equipped for honesty. The world thus destroys our humanity by the sheer weight of its insanity."
What you’re really looking for is an experience of being alive
~ Joseph Campbell
Thursday, January 23, 2014
How much more powerful a quantum computer could be
~ Julian Brown
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
The wave function
"They solve the problem in a peculiar way. In the absence of a real wave, they imagine an abstract wave—a mathematical wave. If this sounds ludicrous, this was pretty much the reaction of physicists when the idea was first proposed by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in the 1920s. Schrödinger imagined an abstract mathematical wave that spread through space, encountering obstacles and being reflected and transmitted, just like a water wave spreading on a pond. In places where the height of the wave was large, the probability of finding a particle was highest, and in locations where it was small, the probability was lowest. In this way Schrödinger’s wave of probability christened the wave function, informed a particle what to do, and not just a photon—any microscopic particle, from an atom to a constituent of an atom like an electron."
There is perfect symmetry
"To get agreement between the two pictures of light, the particle-like aspect of light must somehow be “informed” about how to behave by its wavelike aspect. In other words, in the microscopic domain, waves do not simply behave like particles; those particles behave like waves as well! There is perfect symmetry. In fact, in a sense this statement is all you need to know about quantum theory (apart from a few details). Everything else follows unavoidably. All the weirdness, all the amazing richness of the microscopic world, is a direct consequence of this wave-particle “duality” of the basic building blocks of reality."
We can only predict the odds
~ Richard Feynman
To play dice or not to
~ Einstein
"Not only does God play dice with the Universe, he throws the dice where we cannot see them!”
~ Stephen Hawking
It is truly something new under the Sun
"Nothing in the everyday world is fundamentally unpredictable; nothing is truly random. The reason we cannot predict the outcome of a game of roulette or of the toss of a coin is that there is simply too much information for us to take into account. But in principle—and this is the key point—there is nothing to prevent us from predicting both.
Contrast this with the microscopic world of photons. It matters not the slightest how much information we have in our possession. It is impossible to predict whether a given photon will be transmitted or reflected by a window—even in principle. A roulette ball does what it does for a reason—because of the interplay of myriad subtle forces. A photon does what it does for no reason whatsoever! The unpredictability of the microscopic world is fundamental. It is truly something new under the Sun."
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, we teach the wave theory
~ joked the English physicist William Bragg in 1921
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Another person will not do you harm unless you wish it
~ Epictetus
You have to accept the whole bloody universe
~ Alexei Panshin - Rite of Passage
What’s running the show
~ Joseph Campbell
What a crew they are
~ Marcus Aurelius
To know how many are jealous of you
~ Seneca
A thought which is not independent
~ Wittgenstein
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Governing a large country
~ Lao-tzu
Some people try to shut off the questions at this point
"What happens, for most of us, is that we get vague, unsatisfactory answers from grown-ups. At first we think they know better answers and are too busy to share the secrets with us. Later, we learn that they may not know either. Some people try to shut off the questions at this point, to concentrate on other things like making friends and money, seeking pleasure, popularity, and love. And, it works—for a while. But, the big questions have a way of coming back, especially during those moments when life gets our attention by stopping the ordinary flow of events with something startling and unexpected. A parent or friend dies young; a loved one betrays us; a cherished dream goes unfulfilled. At times like these, the questions come surging back. What is the purpose of life anyway? Does anything really matter? Are we on a short, unpleasant march toward death?"
Friday, January 17, 2014
In philosophical arguments, everyone wins
"Not the usual kinds of argument in which egos fight to win, but philosophical arguments in which the participants attempt to clarify the reasoning that lies behind their statements; and no one cares about winning since, in philosophical arguments, everyone wins."
There is someone who will struggle against being manipulated
"And there is some value in knowing just that: that in this world of adversary rhetoric and arbitrary partisanship, there is someone who will struggle against being manipulated and polarized. He will only partially succeed. He may reach moments of greater clarity and then fall back into a one-sided point of view, but then, like Kant, he will arouse himself from his “dogmatic slumbers” and start to work again fitting together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle."
The philosopher must stand apart
"The philosopher must stand apart, as best he can, to keep life in perspective. The party members won’t do it, nor will the fearful, the brain-washed, the prejudiced, or the bigoted. But there must be someone. There must be someone who remains sensitively aware of the essential humanness in all thought and action. There must be someone who tries to stay as close to the realities as possible, someone who tries, keeps on trying, and will not give up."
Thursday, January 16, 2014
I have a much larger responsibility toward the whole human family
"I am, however, Tibetan before I am Dalai Lama, and I am human before I am Tibetan. So while as Dalai Lama I have a special responsibility to Tibetans, and as a monk I have a special responsibility toward furthering interreligious har- mony, as a human being I have a much larger responsibility toward the whole human family—which indeed we all have."
Since my house burned down
I now own a better view
Of the rising moon
~ Masahide
If the only tool you have is a hammer
~ Abraham Maslow
When states can no longer distinguish good men
~ Antisthenes the Athenian Cynic
What could possibly be worth sacrificing satisfaction in order to obtain?
"I would argue, though, that what is really foolish is to spend your life in a state of self-induced dissatisfaction when satisfaction lies within your grasp, if only you will change your mental outlook. To be able to be satisfied with little is not a failing, it is a blessing—if, at any rate, what you seek is satisfaction. And if you seek something other than satisfaction, I would inquire (with astonishment) into what it is that you find more desirable than satisfaction. What, I would ask, could possibly be worth sacrificing satisfaction in order to obtain?"
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing
~ Marcus Aurelius
Every day without fail one should consider himself as dead
~ Yamamato Tsunetomo
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Vain is the word of a philosopher
~ Epicurus
Sunday, January 5, 2014
A barely concealed death wish
"Socrates commented that those who bought food out of season, at an extravagant price, revealed a fear that they would not live until the proper season came round again: ‘Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die’, is a barely concealed death wish."
Induction cannot be rationally justified
"Another popular response is to admit that induction cannot be rationally justified, but to argue that this is not really so problematic after all. How might one defend such a position? Some philosophers have argued that induction is so fundamental to how we think and reason that it's not the sort of thing that could be justified. Peter Strawson, an influential contemporary philosopher, defended this view with the following analogy. If someone worried about whether a particular action was legal, they could consult the law-books and compare the action with what the law-books say. But suppose someone worried about whether the law itself was legal. This is an odd worry indeed. For the law is the standard against which the legality of other things is judged, and it makes little sense to enquire whether the standard itself is legal. The same applies to induction, Strawson argued. Induction is one of the standards we use to decide whether claims about the world are justified. For example, we use induction to judge whether a pharmaceutical company's claim about the amazing benefits of its new drug are justified. So it makes little sense to ask whether induction itself is justified."
Our confidence in induction is just blind faith
"So the position is this. Hume points out that our inductive inferences rest on the uniformity of nature assumption. But we cannot prove that uniformity of nature is true, and we cannot produce empirical evidence for its truth without begging the question. So our inductive inferences rest on an assumption about the world for which we have no good grounds. Hume concludes that our confidence in induction is just blind faith - it admits of no rational justification whatever."
Scientific hypotheses can rarely be proved true by the data
"The central role of induction in science is sometimes obscured by the way we talk. For example, you might read a newspaper report that says that scientists have found 'experimental proof that genetically modified maize is safe for humans. What this means is that the scientists have tested the maize on a large number of humans, and none of them have come to any harm. But strictly speaking this doesn't prove that the maize is safe, in the sense in which mathematicians can prove Pythagoras' theorem, say. For the inference from 'the maize didn't harm any of the people on whom it was tested' to 'the maize will not harm anyone' is inductive, not deductive. The newspaper report should really have said that scientists have found extremely good evidence that the maize is safe for humans. The word 'proof should strictly only be used when we are dealing with deductive inferences. In this strict sense of the word, scientific hypotheses can rarely, if ever, be proved true by the data."
Saturday, January 4, 2014
When you have eliminated the impossible
~ Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four
Another brick to the temple of science
~ John R. Platt
You know my methods. Apply them.
—Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of the Four
Pseudoscientific theories do not actually have any explanatory teeth
"Rather counterintuitively, Popper also thought that scientific theories cannot ever be proven, because they are always open to the possibility that a new observation—hitherto unknown—will falsify them. For instance, I could observe thousands of four-legged dogs and grow increasingly confident that my theory is right. But then I could turn a corner and see an adult two-legged dog: there goes the theory, falsified by one negative result, regardless of how many positive confirmations I had on my notepad up to that point. In this view of the difference between science and pseudoscience, then, science makes progress not by proving its theories right— because that’s impossible—but by eliminating an increasing number of wrong theories. Pseudoscience, however, does not make progress because its “theories” are so flexible that they can accommodate any observation whatsoever, which means that pseudoscientific theories do not actually have any explanatory teeth."
Beyond the possibilities of knowledge
~ Thomas Henry Huxley
Friday, January 3, 2014
It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood
~ Popper
Theory has to come first
"Popper used to begin his lecture course on the philosophy of science by asking the students simply to ‘observe’. Then he would wait in silence for one of them to ask what they were supposed to observe. This was his way of demonstrating one of many flaws in the empiricism that is still part of common sense today. So he would explain to them that scientific observation is impossible without pre-existing knowledge about what to look at, what to look for, how to look, and how to interpret what one sees. And he would explain that, therefore, theory has to come first. It has to be conjectured, not derived."
Present-day methods of education
"Present-day methods of education still have a lot in common with their static-society predecessors. Despite modern talk of encouraging critical thinking, it remains the case that teaching by rote and inculcating standard patterns of behaviour through psychological pressure are integral parts of education, even though they are now wholly or partly renounced in explicit theory. Moreover, in regard to academic knowledge, it is still taken for granted, in practice, that the main purpose of education is to transmit a standard curriculum faithfully. One consequence is that people are acquiring scientific knowledge in an anaemic and instrumental way. Without a critical, discriminating approach to what they are learning, most of them are not effectively replicating the memes of science and reason into their minds. And so we live in a society in which people can spend their days conscientiously using laser technology to count cells in blood samples, and their evenings sitting cross-legged and chanting to draw supernatural energy out of the Earth."
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
It’s not necessary to live
"“What’s necessary is to sail, it’s not necessary to live!”
shouted Pompey the Great to his frightened sailors after ordering them to weigh anchor in a heavy storm."