Monday, December 10, 2012

Anaxagoras's Universe!

"Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, a 5th-century pluralist, believed that because nothing can really come into being, everything must be contained in everything, but in the form  of infinitely small parts. In the beginning all of these particles had been mixed in an even mixture, in which nothing could be distinguished, much like the indefinite apeiron of Anaximander. But then nous, or intelligence, began at one point to set these particles into a whirling motion, foreseeing that in this way they would become separated from one another and then recombine in the most various ways so as to produce gradually the world in which men live.  In contrast to the forces assumed by Empedocles, the nous of Anaxagoras is not blind but foresees and intends the production of the cosmos, including living and intelligent beings; but it does not interfere with the process after having started the whirling motion. This is a strange combination of a mechanical and a nonmechanical explanation of the world."

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