Sunday, December 9, 2012

Infectious ideas!

Thoughts are like parasites! They are produced, with certain characteristics, strengths. They infect new hosts, some hosts are completely taken over, some hosts fight back, eliminate the attempts of establishment. Some hosts are carriers, not affected themselves; just pass the parasitic ideas on to other potential hosts. As they pass from host to host, they mutate, change, acquire and discard, giving rise to offshoots and branches, some even compete as new organism. Natural selection comes into play, they evolve. No one is immune to them; we all carry some, are immune to others and actively fight others.

Some are very tenacious, take over the whole organism, makes the taken over organism live for them, even fight for them, even at the cost of the organism’s life itself. They think a few sacrifices would help in their mass infection. Dangerous creatures these types are, very scary. Nearly impossible to control, once they break out in strength. These are like storms, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, carrying with them whoever comes in their path, leaving an altered landscape in their wake.

So which ones are you carrying?

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