Sunday, December 9, 2012

The you, the I!

You, yes you! What is you (and its inward directed converse, the “I”)? You is not the body, not the legs, not the DNA, not the blood cells, not the immune system. You is a product of a limited part of a body, you is associated with. You is the product of brain, a subset of brain produces you, you the awareness. You are not aware of much that goes on in your body. You are not aware of the process, the mental process, through which you is produced, comes into existence. You is not aware of the process that takes place inside eye, as photons hits retinal cells, the generation of nerve impulse, which is encoded information, its processing and progression inside visual centers of brain. We only become aware of the final processed image, or rather series of images.

You is a product of certain configuration of matter, the brain. Amazing isn’t it that matter thinks about itself, about other matter; contemplating the why’s and how’s of this universe where it, the configuration that can think, finds itself. And then there are the neuroscientists, who want to know how their minds are produced by the underlying brain matter. Matter desirous of knowing its own why’s, its own reasons, its own working, not aware of solutions to those questions itself. Mind doesn’t know how it is itself produced, projected, how it works, what is its connection with the brain? How amazing, it thinks? You is a child, playing with toys, brain being one. Then going even deeper, thinking about the particles making the brain, and deeper and wider and narrower. The collective mind branching, its roots trying to conquer, to penetrate, farther and deeper. Strange creature this aspect of matter is, the mind!

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