GMO Virus for Nicotine Addiction – erv
And, the antibodies worked. When the mice were injected with nicotine, the antibodies were capable of keeping nicotine in the blood serum, and out of the brain (if it doesnt get in the brain, you dont get the physiological effects). The control mice had a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, as well as a decrease in locomotion, while absolutely nothing happened in the treated mice
The more AAV-Anti-Nicotine-Antibody you infect the mice with, the more antibodies you can find in the mouse bloodstream. And, the antibodies that are there last at least 18 weeks, which isnt too bad considering there was only one dose of virus, and mice only live a year or two.
But with a GMO virus, things get curiously easier.
Take an Adenoassociated Virus (AAV) that has already been extensively characterized and utilized in other studies.
Put in the genetic information that codes for an antibody that you know binds tightly to nicotine.
Figure out the smallest dose necessary to get the desired response, and shoot em in!
A GMO virus that would make it so no matter how much you smoked, you could not feel the effects of the nicotine. You could inject yourself with nicotine, and nothing would happen. No reason to smoke anymore. This GMO virus would essentially *make* you quit smoking. It would *make* you get through withdraw, because you would have no other options. No way of getting a hit. Once you were injected with this virus, there would be *no* going back.
Well, what if a genetically modified virus could make you quit by taking away the power of nicotine?
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